01638 608022
01638 608022

225 Scheduled service is no longer operating.

Connecting Communities does however provide a service between Newmarket and Haverhill, including the neighbouring villages.

The service operates Monday to Saturday 7.30am until 7.30pm.   All journeys must be prebooked.

Booking Line open Monday to Friday 8am until 4pm    Call 01638 664304

or e-mail your booking request to fhbookings@thevoluntarynetwork.org.   Please do ensure that e-mails are submitted the day before travel, bookings are only secured upon our confirmation.




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Community Transport


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Befriending Service

I would be practically housebound as I am 87 years old, unable to walk too far. I just could not manage without the wonderful kind drivers. Nothing is too much trouble. I hate to think about life without Dial a Ride.

- Life without Dial a Ride

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