01638 608022
01638 608022

Our great team of volunteers help our passengers travel a little further afield. The service is particularly useful for those trying to access Hospital Appointments.

Our volunteers are MiDAS trained and DBS checked. Journeys are charged at 54p per mile, charged for every mile that the volunteer provides on your behalf.


“My wife and I find the service very good as we have no means of transport”


If you would like more information or to book a journey please call our booking line: 01638 664304 – Monday to Friday 8am until 4pm


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Community Transport


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Befriending Service

I would be practically housebound as I am 87 years old, unable to walk too far. I just could not manage without the wonderful kind drivers. Nothing is too much trouble. I hate to think about life without Dial a Ride.

- Life without Dial a Ride

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